Documenting North America's lost covered bridges


Unidentified Photos - Alabama, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin
Unidentified Photos - Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Québec
Unidentified Photos - New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Unidentified Washington County, PA Photos
Unidentified Caledonia & Chittendon County, VT pictures
Unidentified Lamoille County, VT pictures
Unidentified Orange County, VT pictures
Unidentified Orleans County, VT pictures
Miscellaneous Unidentified Photos - Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6
Unidentified or Uncertain Postcards - Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7
Unidentified Stereoviews

Miscellaneous Unidentified Photos - Page 4

This page will include pictures and postcards of bridges that cannot be identified. If you recognize one of these pictures, please let us know.  Send suggestions to


Probably Whitewater River, Indiana

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


This has been identified as the Barnes Mill Bridge in Guernsey County, Ohio - OH/35-30-70x.


Wahoo Camp

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Possibly Otter Creek Bridge,
Ripley County, Indiana (14-69-02)?

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


Near Montpelier, Vermont?

This may be the Pinsley Bridge, VT/45-12-16x.

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


May be Pacific Northwest

Unidentified covered bridge photo


This has been identified as the Cave Bridge in Shelby County, Indiana - IN/14-73-05x

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


This is one of the bridges on Bethany Pike in Brooke County, West Virginia.  Possibly WV/48-05-01x.

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


This bridge has been identified as VT/45-06-01, Hopkins Bridge, Enosburg, Chittendon County, Vermont

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Similar to Camp Brook Bridge,
Windsor County, VT,

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo


Similar to Stockbridge, Vermont (45-14-99).

Unidentified covered bridge photo


Unidentified covered bridge photo

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